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стерильный одноразовый скальпель

стерильный одноразовый скальпель

стерильный одноразовый скальпель относится к категории II медицинского оборудования.Скальпель состоит из ножа и ножа и является специальным инструментом для резки тканей людей или животных.Это важный инструмент хирургии.

стерильный одноразовый скальпель
стерильный одноразовый скальпель
стерильный одноразовый скальпель
стерильный одноразовый скальпель

Sterile disposable scalpel belongs to class II medical instruments. The scalpel consists of blade and handle, which is a special tool for cutting human or animal tissues. It is an indispensable and important surgical tool in surgery.

Disposable aseptic scalpel usually has a cutting edge and a mounting slot butted with the handle of the scalpel. The material is usually made of pure titanium, titanium alloy, stainless steel or carbon steel. When dissecting, the blade is used to cut the skin and muscle, the tip is used to repair blood vessels and nerves, and the handle is used for blunt separation. Choose the appropriate blade and handle according to the size of the wound. Because of the characteristic of "zero" injury to tissues after cutting, common surgical tools can be used in various operations, but the wound after cutting is bleeding actively, so they should be used in operations with more bleeding.

Types of the handle of the sterile disposable scalpel: #3, #3 extension, #4, #4 extension, #7, #9, 18cm upward bending, 18cm downward bending (the model is carved at its end).

Types of the blades of the sterile disposable scalpel: commonly used are 10-27, 34, 36 (their models are carved on their roots).


Usually, scalpel No. 10, No. 20 to No. 24 is used to incise skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle, periosteum and other tissues; scalpel No. 11 is used to incise blood vessels, nerves, gastrointestinal tract and heart tissue; scalpel No. 12 is used for knee and facial surgery; scalpel No. 15 is used for incision of deep tissue, ophthalmology, coronary artery bypass transplantation and other tissues.

Shandong Haidike Medical Products Co., Ltd. provides you with various types of sterile disposable scalpel, surgical knife complete set of equipment.

Contact Us

Tel: +86-530-4660062
Mobile: +86-13105409308
Tianfu Roud, Dongcheng District,Shan County, Heze City, Shandong, China 274300

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